Love, Live, Laugh and Leave Lie

Love, Live, Laugh and Leave Lie
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Kamis, 12 Maret 2015

Movie Script of "My Sister's Keeper"

When I was a kid, my mother told me that I was a little piece of blue sky...
... that came into this world because she and Dad loved me so much.
It was only later that I realized that it wasn't exactly true.
Most babies are coincidences.
I mean, up in space you got all these souls flying around...
... looking for bodies to live in.
Then, down here on Earth, two people have sex or whatever...
... and bam, coincidence.
Sure, you hear all these stories about how everyone plans these perfect families...
... but the truth is that most babies...
... are products of drunken evenings and lack of birth control.
They're accidents.
Only people who have trouble making babies actually plan for them.
I, on the other hand, am not a coincidence.
I was engineered.
Born for a particular reason.
A scientist hooked up my mother's eggs and my father's sperm...
... to make a specific combination of genes.
He did it to save my sister's life.
Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if Kate had been healthy.
I'd probably still be up in heaven or wherever...
... waiting to be attached to a body down here on Earth.
But coincidence or not...
... I'm here.

In the Pawn shop where Kate to sell the necklace
Owner : “What can I do for you?
Anna: Fourteen karat gold, hardly ever worn.

That's my sister, Kate.
She's dying.

Anna : Montana? I don't get it.
       It looks like a whole bunch of nothing.

Kate : It is a whole bunch of nothing.
       Just you and the big old sky.
Anna : Why do you like it?
Kate : I don't know. I like big things. I like wide-open spaces.
      Besides, it's the only place I've ever been.

That's Mom and Aunt Kelly making dinner.
Since my sister got sick, things have changed.
Aunt Kelly only works part-time and Mom quit her job as a lawyer.
Her life now revolves around keeping Kate alive.
Cooking and cleaning.
Everything steamed, organic and germ-free.

Kelly : Have a good night. Bye.

I guess you could say that we're a little dysfunctional.
But everybody loves each other, and we do the best we can.

Anna : That's not a word.
Jesse : What about that language?
        Nice shirt, sissy.
Kate : Good, right?
       Hey, Mom, you wanna see our routine?
Mother : What routine?
Kate : Come on, Anna, let's do it.
Anna : Hey, baby, what's your sign?
Kate : Cancer.
Anna : You're a Cancer?
Kate : No, I'm a Leo...
       But I have cancer.
Father :  It's not even funny.
Anna : Yes, it is.

Mother : I agree with Dad.
Kate :It was pretty clever.
Kate and Anna : Boo. - Boo.
Father : It's not funny. It's not.
        Nice. Nice. These your kids?
Mother : Yes, they are. Question is, are they yours?
Father : You believe that? Hey, sweetie, where's your locket?
Anna : Oh, I didn't feel like wearing it today.
Mother : Eat, Kate.
Kate : I'm eating.
Mother : Is it not good?
Kate : It's really good, Mom.
       It's good to me.
Mother : I have lentils in the fridge if you want some.
Kate : I'm fine, Mom.
Mother : You're not hungry?
Father : I bet she needs to breathe a little bit.
Mother : Maybe you should try to breathe a bit.
Father : Maybe I will a bit later. Gross.
Mother : Where are you going?
Kate : Bathroom, wanna come?
Mother : Will you breathe on me later?

Having a child who is sick is a full-time occupation.
Sure, we still enjoy the usual day-to-day happinesses of family life.
Big house, great kids, beautiful wife.
But beneath the exterior, there are cracks...
... resentments...
... alliances that threaten the very foundation of our lives...
... as at any moment our whole world could come tumbling down.

Father  :I don't know when it started, but probably around 11 it was 103.
Anna : Hey, what's going on?
Mother : Your sister's sick.
         She's been up all night with a fever.
Anna : Kate?  Kate?

Jesse : Hey. You ready? Come on, let's go.
       Are you sure you want to do this?
       You know you're nuts, right?
Anna : I'll be right back.
Jesse : All right, I'll be waiting.

When Anna Fitzgerald first stepped into my office...
... I thought she was selling Girl Scout cookies.

Anna : Thank you.
       Oh, my gosh, it's really you.
Mr.Alexander : It really is.
Anna : "I'm Campbell Alexander.
        I have a 90 percent success rate.
Mr.Alexander : Ninety-one.
Anna : What can I do for you?"
Mr.Alexander : You've seen my commercials.
Anna : All of them. I mean, that's why I'm here.
       Hi. (touch his dog)
Mr.Alexander : Please don't touch. Judge is a service dog.
Anna : What service?
Mr.Alexander : I have an iron lung...
               ...and Judge helps me steer clear of magnets.
               Please, sit down.
               What is your name?
Anna : Anna Fitzgerald.
Mr.Alexander : What can I do for you, Anna?
Anna : That is so cool.
       I want to sue my parents for the rights to my own body.
Mr.Alexander : Would you repeat that, please?
Anna : I want to sue my parents for the rights to my own body.
       My sister has leukemia. They're trying to force me to give her my body parts.

Mr.Alexander : You're supposed to give her a kidney?
Anna : She's been in renal failure for months now.
Mr.Alexander : No one can force you to donate if you don't want to, can they?
Anna : They think they can.
        I'm under 18, they're my legal guardians.
Mr.Alexander : They can't do that.
Anna : That's what I want you to tell them...
       ...they've been doing it to me my whole life.
       I wouldn't even be alive if Kate wasn't sick.
       I'm a designer baby.
       I was made in a dish to be spare parts for Kate.
Mr.Alexander : You're kidding, right?

The kid wasn't lying.
The doctors started taking things from her the moment she was born.
Cord blood as an infant, white-cell transfusions...
... bone marrow, lymphocytes...
... injections to add more stem cells, and then they took them too.
But it was never enough.

Mr.Alexander : You do know what will happen if you don't give your sister your kidney, don't you?
Anna : Yeah, she'll die.
       So there's a little over $ 700 here.
       And I know that's not enough, but it's all I have and I need your help.
Mr.Alexander : You sure you want to go through with this?
               Good for you.

It's hard to imagine now...
... but there was a time before all this happened...
... when the kids were just kids, and everyone was happy.

Mother : Hi, baby.
         Where's your sister?
Jesse : Sleeping.
        I tried poking her and everything.
Mother : Hey, Katie-Cat.
         Good morning, sweetie. Are you awake?
         How you doing?
         Rise and shine.

Mother : Anemia, right?
         Kids her age don't get mono, do they?
Doctor 1 : Could be a virus.
         I'll have to draw some blood and run a few tests.

Doctor 2 : Kate's white cell count's much lower than normal.
Mother : What's that mean?
Doctor 2: I don't know.
         She may have an autoimmune deficiency.
         Could just be a lab error.
Mother : Oncology?
         But that's cancer.

Specialist : Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald?
           I'm Ileana Farquad.
Mother and Father : Hello.
Specialist : Hi.
           So I took a look at Kate's CBC.
           Her white blood count is very low.
           She's also presenting with 12% promylocytes and 5% blasts...
           ...which does indicate a leukemic syndrome.
Mother : Leukemic?
Specialist : Cancer.
            I'll need a bone marrow aspiration to confirm...
            ...but it seems that Kate could have what is called acute promylocytic leukemia.
            I'm sorry.

Respiration's normal. (in surgery process)

Father : St. Joe's doesn't know shit.
        You remember when the chief's son was playing with Jesse and broke his left arm?
        They put a cast on his right.
Mother : I'm not gonna let her die.
         You know that, right?
         I'm not.

Jesse : Hello?

Kelly : We heard her coughing...
       ...but she wouldn't open the door. Your mom kicked it in.
Jesse : Kicked the door down?
Kelly : Yeah.
Mother : I haven't gotten in touch with them, she's lost a lot of blood.
         We need to get platelets and fluids into her.
         I don't want her going into shock.
Officer : Her age and weight?
Mother : Fifteen, she's about 90 pounds, she's allergic to penicillin.
         One-hundred over 68.
Officer : Okay, Base Camp, Rescue 11.
         We have a 15-year-old girl, approximately 90 pounds.
          BP is 100 over 68
Jesse : Jesus Christ.
Officer : All right, let's get her up. Yeah.  
        There you go.
        We're just gonna bring you downstairs.

Nobody's saying anything...
... but seeing everybody together lets me know that this is serious.
Our family is kind of disconnected.
Dad's relatives are wealthy and distant, and Mom's side drives her crazy.
So besides Aunt Kelly...
... we never really get to see anybody except on holidays or disasters.
Kate's leukemia is back.
She's no longer remissing.

Doctor : We've looked at her smear, and her leukemic cells are showing at 23%.
Kelly : How many is bad?
Doctor : Any.
Other relative : What about chemo?
Doctor : It's an option, but Kate doesn't seem to take it very well.
         And her cancer may be too far along.
Mother : So you need more bone marrow?
Doctor : Yes, but the leukemia isn't Kate's biggest problem now.
        She's lost the function of her kidneys.
        They've quit. They're gone.

Mother : Not a match?
Doctor : No.
Mother : We're her parents, don't we have to be?
Doctor : Everyone inherits two sets of chromosomes containing HLA genes.
        Unfortunately, there's only a 1 in 200 chance...
        ...that parents and their children will be perfect histocompatible HLA matches.
Mother : What about Jesse?
Doctor : I'm afraid not.
         It's possible that a donor will crop up on the national bone-marrow registry.
Father : I thought you said getting a transplant from an unrelated donor was dangerous.
Doctor : I did.
         But Kate's situation is time-sensitive, and sometimes that's all we've got.
         I'd like to suggest something completely off the record.
         Many times one sibling isn't a match, but another is.
         Have you considered having another child?
         Not to be forward...
         ...but umbilical blood can be an incredibly effective tool in treating leukemic patients.
         It's like a miracle.
Mother : Well, how would you know that the new child would be a match?
Doctor : We could make sure of it.
Father : In a test tube?
Doctor : Yes. With pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, it would be a 100 percent match.
Father : A donor child?
Doctor : It's not for everybody.
        And legally, I can't even officially recommend it.
        But like I said, cord blood would be invaluable.
Mother : Well, we gotta do it.
         We gotta try.
Father ; That was it.

Grown in a dish, they would have an in vitro child.
A perfect chromosomal match who would be Kate's genetic savior.

Mother : Remember that time where we strapped that fabric on her feet?
Employee : Someone here to see you.
Officer : Sara Fitzgerald?
Mother : Yes.
Officer : You've been served.
Kelly : What is that?
Mother : "Petition for medical emancipation by..."
Kelly : What does that mean?
Mother : "The ability to make future medical decisions independent of parents...
          ...not to be forced to submit treatment including donating her kidney."
          Anna, what is this? Is this from you?
Anna : Yeah, I got a lawyer.
Mother : You're suing us?
         Well, honey, what the hell is going on?
Anna : I don't want to do it anymore, Mom.
Mother : You don't want to do it anymore? That's it? You don't want to do it?
Anna : No.
Mother : Guess what? Neither do I and neither does Kate.
Kate : Please.
Mother : It's not like we have a choice.
Anna : That's the thing, I do. I do have a choice.
Mother : Really? Is that so?
Anna : Yeah.
Mother : That's your sister. Have you forgotten?

Anna : No.
Mother : Do you know what's gonna happen?
Anna : Yeah. Believe it or not, Mom, I actually thought about it.
Kelly : Sara.
       Have you lost your mind?
Mother : What is she doing?
Kelly : What the hell were you thinking?
Mother : What the hell is she thinking?
         I don't understand...

Father : Let's hit it now, go. (in the middle fire)
Fireman : Fitzgerald!
          Your wife called, she said to give her a call, it's important. 911.
Father : Just telling me now?
Fireman : I'm not your secretary.
          Get your own frigging calls.
Father : Goddamn it, Gus.

Father : All right, let's hear it. What's going on?
Anna : Okay.
       Forget about the fact that the operation is dangerous, or that it would hurt...
        ...or that I might not want to have something cut out of me.
       But if I only have one kidney, then what happens to me?
       What if I need it?
       And am I really never allowed to play sports or be a cheerleader or get pregnant?
Father : Can't drink.
Anna : What if I just want to live a long time?
Father : Sweetheart, you're gonna live a long time.
Anna : Yeah? Then tell me this:
       What if the transplant doesn't work? What then?
Mother : She's your sister.
Anna :  I know that! But I'm not like you, Mom!
        I see the other kids, I see what they do. They go to parties, the beach.
Father : I don't understand why you didn't say something earlier.
Anna : When? When should I talk to you about it?
       You're never home. You leave me here with her.
Mother : Excuse me? You've never had to do anything you don't want to do, and you know that!
Anna : I always wound up doing everything, didn't I?
Jesse : Stop yelling!
Mother : You spoiled shit!
Father : Everyone be quiet.
         We said she gets the table, she gets the table.
         Go ahead.
Anna : Remember how the doctor said if I did the operation...
       ...I would have to be careful for the rest of my life?
       But I don't want to be careful. Who wants to live like that?
Mother : Anna, listen...
Anna : I'm important too, Mom. I'm important too.
Father : Hey, listen...
Anna : Let me go!

Father : Mom needs to cool off a bit. She's a little upset.
Anna : Yeah, I heard her.
       "Get her out of here. I don't want to look at her face anymore."

I looked at my daughter and wondered how it got from there to here.

Other Fireman : Hey!
Anna : Hi!
Other Fireman : The truth, the truth.
Anna : Okay.
Other Fireman : All right, so, what do you think?
Anna : A bit more salt.
Other Fireman : A bit more.

From the moment we decided to genetically conceive...
... I suppose this was the eventual outcome.
It was our fault. We went against nature and this was our comeuppance.
But have we really pushed her too hard?
Have we forced her into helping her sister?
All those little encouragements and rewards, were they real?
Or did we just want what we wanted?
She was so little when all this started.
When did she start wanting to make her own decisions?

Father : It's okay.
Anna : I want my daddy. I want my mama! No, please! Mama!
Father : It's okay. I know.
Anna : Mommy!

I guess the answer is now.

Mother : What do you mean, you don't know?
Father : She won't talk.
         You know, maybe she just wants to be considered.
         Take the credit that it's her decision, I don't know.
         Maybe it's not crazy.
Mother : What, you don't want her to do it?
Father : I didn't say that.
         But it's against her will, so how does that work?
         Do you hold her down, or do I?
Mother : Don't be dramatic.
Father : You gonna take her ankles, I'll take her wrists?      
         She's not a baby. You just can't trick her.
Mother : I know.
Father : So then what?
Mother : I don't know.
Father : You want to sedate her?
         Get handcuffs, tell her we're going to get ice cream again?
         Because if we do, every day for the rest of her life...
         ...she's gonna look at us like we forced her, like we used her.
         And she'll be right.
Mother : For chrissakes, Brian, I didn't do this.
         Whose side are you on?
Father : Side. What sides? Are there sides now?
         She doesn't want to do it.

Secretary : Your 11:00 appointment is here.
Mother : I don't have an 11:00.
Secretary : Wait, you can't go in there.
Mother : Get your hands off me.
         Mr. Alexander, I'm Sara Fitzgerald, Anna's mother.
Mr.Alexander : It's okay, Gloria.
Secretary : Are you sure? I don't mind calling security.
Mr.Alexander : No, no. Thank you.
               What can I do for you, Mrs. Fitzgerald?
Mother : The legal age for emancipation of a minor is 14 in the state of California.
         It's the law, you might want to check it. Anna's 11, you're three years early.
Mr.Alexander : I'm aware, she's challenging.
Mother : She can't. She's too young to stand.
Mr.Alexander : I'm filing for her as guardian ad litem.
Mother : As what? A family independence agency?
Mr.Alexander : I have 15 years as a volunteer member of the ACLU...
      addition to which I have this power of attorney signed by your daughter.
Mother : This will never hold up. It's not even legal.
Mr.Alexander : Anna doesn't want to do it anymore. And 11 years old or not, she has rights.
               And so long as she wants to move forward, I am going to help her.
Mother : Why? What's your interest? This isn't a case for you. There's no money.
Mr.Alexander : What's my interest?
               Eight hospitalizations in 11 years...
               ...six catheterizations, two bone-marrow aspirations...
               ...two stem-cell purges.
Mother : She was helping her sister.
Mr.Alexander : Not to mention the side effects, including bleeding, infections, bruising.
               Filgrastim shots. Those are growth hormones, am I correct?
Mother : Something like that.
Mr.Alexander : Drugs for nausea, opiates for pain...
                ...Ambien for sleep. Not exactly the proper medication for a preteen.
                Every procedure had its risks and complications.
Mother : Anna understood that, she was okay with it.
Mr.Alexander : Really?
Mother : Yeah.
Mr.Alexander : At 5 years old.
Mother : Oh, my God, you're good. You're really good.
         You know, I've seen your commercials, right? I mean, who hasn't?
         I always thought you were some headline-seeking hack...
         ...but you have real talent.
         You almost had me believing that you cared about Anna.
Mr.Alexander : Funny, I was about to say the same thing to you.
               Mrs. Fitzgerald, did you ever say to yourself:
               "Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I took it a little too far?"
Mother : I'll see you in court.

Mother : You gotta get up.
         You haven't been out of that bed in two weeks.
Kate : I'm tired.
Mother : You can do it.
Father : It's a beautiful day outside.
Kate : No.
Father : It's sunny. It's gonna be good for you.
Kate : I'm too sick.
Mother : You're not too sick.
         You're depressed. I'm not gonna feed you antidepressants...
         ...they're gonna just make you more numb. Now, get up.
Kate : No!
Father : Hey, baby?
         You want to tell me what's really wrong?
Kate : I'm tired. Don't you get that?
      I'm sick, and I'm tired, and I'm ugly.
Father: Stop it.
Kate : Don't you dare tell me that I'm beautiful, because I'm not.
       Don't you dare tell me that nobody's gonna stare at me, because they will.
Father : Oh, God.
Kate : I'm a freak.
Father :Come here.
Mother : Okay, that's it.
Father : It's okay.
Kate : Mom?
      Thanks, Mom.
Anna : Mom, Mom.

This is it.
I know I'm going to die now.
I suppose I've always known that.
I just never knew when.
And I'm okay with it. Really.
I don't mind my disease killing me.
But it's killing my family too.
While everyone was so worried about my blood counts...
... they barely even noticed that Jesse was dyslexic.

Father : Look at this place. You see all these kids around here?
         They got a football team, this Olympic-style swimming pool.
Mother : Horses.
Father : They got horses.
         Massive playground here. Look at that Tarzan rope into a lake.
         There's kids everywhere. You're gonna have a great time there.
         Come on, you know this is gonna be like a vacation for you.
Jesse : I'll try harder.
Father : It's not about that.
         Hey, look at me.
         You know how sometimes when you see things, they are a little mixed up?
         This place is special because they have teachers there...
         ...that will show you how to straighten it out.
Jesse : Okay.
Father : And I can't do that.
Jesse : Okay.
Mother : You're gonna get so good at math.

Father : It's gonna be a year, that's it, all right?
Mother : Just till your grades are up.
Father : If you don't like it, you come right home.
Jesse : Okay.
Father : All right.

I'm sorry, Jesse.
I'm sorry I took all the attention when you were the one who needed it the most.
Dad, I know I took your first love from you.
I only hope that one day, you get her back.
Mom, you gave up everything for me.
Your work, your marriage, your entire life...
... just to fight my battles for me every single day.
I'm sorry you couldn't win.
And to my baby sis, who was always so very little...
... I'm sorry I let them hurt you.
I'm sorry I didn't take care of you.
It was supposed to be the other way around.

Jesse : Hey.
Kate :  Hi.
Jesse : I got you something.
Kate : Is that me?
Jesse : Mm-hm.
       I'm not done with it, but...

Mr.Alexander : De Salvo? I thought she was on leave.
Mother : She was, she's back.
Other lawyer : Your Honor, clearly Miss Morangez is afraid for her life.
              At this time, the plaintiff requests a continuation on the restraining order.
              Stand, please.
De salvo : Mr. Morangez, by order of this court...
 are no longer allowed within 1000 yards...
          ...of Mrs. Morangez or her residence.
          You understand how far a thousand yards is?

Judge De Salvo had a very public nervous breakdown...
... after her 12-year-old daughter was killed by a drunk driver.
She had taken a six-month leave of absence to deal with her grief...
... and this was the first time I'd seen her back in court.

De salvo : You're going to jail.
          Okay, next case, please.
Officer : Thank you, Your Honor.
De salvo : I'd like to see counsel in my chambers, please.

De salvo : Good afternoon.
Mother : Good afternoon.
De salvo : What's with the dog?
Mr.Alexander : He's a service dog, Your Honor.
De salvo : Well, please make sure he behaves himself.
          I just had these carpets cleaned.
Mr.Alexander : Yes, ma'am.
De salvo : Good to see you, Sara. I wasn't aware you were practicing.
Mother : I wasn't planning to, Your Honor, but the complainant is my daughter.
De salvo : What's this about, counselor?
Mr.Alexander : Mrs. Fitzgerald's youngest child wishes to be medically emancipated from her parents.
Mother : There's no legal definition of medical emancipation...
         ...not in the state of California.
         It's one of those New Age terms that Mr. Alexander has latched onto.
De salvo : Yes, I'm well aware of Mr. Alexander's reputation.
          He once tried to sue God in my courtroom.
Mr.Alexander : Did sue, Your Honor.
               Jerome Dylan v. the Diocese of California.
               And I won that one.
De salvo : I remember. So?
Mother : So Mr. Alexander wants you to change the law.
         An 11-year-old can't be emancipated, at least not legally.

Mr.Alexander : My client is not seeking to be emancipated.
                She loves her parents and wants to live at home.
                She doesn't wanna be cut open anymore.
De salvo : Yes, I read the complaint. What is it exactly that you're after?
Mr.Alexander : Limited termination of parental rights.
De salvo : All right. Very smart.
          Very creative. I assume you have precedent?
Mr.Alexander : Yes, Planned Parenthood v. Danforth.
               Mature minor doctrine: Smith v. Seibly. Agrello v. Florida.
De salvo : And defense is moving for summary dismissal?
Mother : Yes. Today, if possible.
         Anna's too young to make a decision of this size on her own.
         She doesn't understand what it is she wants.
         She's 11 years old. She changes her mind every five minutes.
         You know how young girls can be.
         Oh, my God, I'm so sorry. I...
De salvo : Mr. Alexander?
Mr.Alexander : The best interests of the child, Your Honor.
De salvo : All right. Well, I need to see Anna. Is she here?
Mother : Yes, but I was really hoping to keep her out of it.
De salvo : Keep her out of it? Mrs. Fitzgerald, you just told me your daughter...
          ...doesn't fully understand what she wants.
          If you want a decision today...
          ...I need to find that out. Do you have a problem with that, counselor?
Mr.Alexander :  None whatsoever.
De salvo : All right. Well, please send her in.
Mr.Alexander : Thank you, Your Honor.
De salvo : And Sara?
          I'm awfully sorry about Kate.

Anna : Thank you. Hi.
De salvo : Hi.
          You can sit down if you like.
          Want something to drink?
          I've got...
          ...7UP, Dr. Pepper or apple juice.
Anna : 7UP, please.
De salvo : 7UP.
Anna : Thank you.
De salvo : So you know why you're here?
Anna : Yup.
De salvo : Pretty scary stuff, huh?
Anna : Well, I don't really like everyone being mad at me.
De salvo : I meant having to take care of your sister all the time.
Anna : No, I don't mind. I like it.
De salvo : You guys get along okay?
Anna : Of course, she's my sister.
De salvo : But all those operations, it's gotta be pretty crazy, right?

Kate : No, no, no, stop, stop, stop!
Anna : Okay, okay.
Nurse : Quietly, girls. This is a hospital, this is not a sorority.
         I need a urine sample.
Kate : But I don't have to go.
Nurse : Well, drink something.
Kate : And I'm not thirsty.
Nurse : Listen to me, young lady, I don't like a lot of back talk.
        Drink, don't drink, I don't care. But you just better fill it.
Kate :  What a bitch.
Anna : Right?
Kate : I'll fill it.
      Nice and warm.
Anna : No.
Nurse : You ready?
Kate : All set.
      Oh, wait a minute.
      Looks a little cloudy. I think I should filter it again.
      Much better. What do you think?
Nurse : You are disgusting. And so are you!

Anna : Look at me, crying like an idiot.
De salvo : You're not an idiot.
          I see idiots every day.
          You're not even close.
          You okay?
          Where did you go?
Anna : Can I ask you something?
De salvo : Sure
Anna : What was it like when she died?
De salvo : Who, Dina?
Anna : Yeah, I mean, what did it feel like?
De salvo : I'm sorry.
Anna : I shouldn't have said anything.
       Sometimes I just think things and then say them.
De salvo : Did you know Dina?
Anna : No.
De salvo : No?
Anna : She was older than me.
        I mean, I saw her on the TV and everything, but I didn't know her.
De salvo : Yeah, you're...
Anna : Yeah. I'm real sorry.
De salvo : Don't be.
          There's no shame in dying.
Officer : All rise.
De salvo : I am going to rule against summary dismissal.
          Please clear my calendar and schedule a hearing for first thing Friday morning.
          Thank you.

Jesse : Hello?

Kelly : She's usually blowing me off, but eventually...
       Girl, you need a day at the spa.
Mother : Yeah, I don't see that happening...
Kelly : The beautician, the mani, the pedi...
       ...the whole thing.
Doctor : Hello, Kate. One to 10, how's your pain?
Kate : Six.
Doctor : Six?
         All right, let's take care of that.
Mother : Got a minute?
         She's feeling pretty good today.
Doctor : Sara, these lucid moments are gonna get briefer and further apart.
         Kate's in system failure now. Body defenses are at zero.
         The fevers Kate's been getting, it's infection from the dialysis.
         And it's not just in her arm or leg, it's in her blood.
         I wanna see how.
         I'm sorry, Sara, this is it.
         We're at the end.
Kate : Dr. Chance?
Doctor : What is it, princess?
Kate : No good, huh?
Doctor : No.
Kate : How long?
Doctor : It's hard to say.
         But if nothing changes...
         ...not too long.
Mother : "Not too long"?
          Not too long what?
Kate : Will it hurt?
Doctor : No. I'll make sure of that.
Mother : Listen, I don't wanna hear talk like that, okay, honey?
         You just stay strong enough for surgery, okay?
Kate : Okay, Mom.
Doctor : Sara, let's take a walk.
         Let me introduce you to someone.
         This is Miss Swearingen, our home health aide.
Miss Swearingen : Hi, how are you?
Mother : Good, how are you?

Miss Swearingen : I'm good, thank you.
                   Have you spoken to the Make-A-Wish people?
Mother : What is this?
         What is this, the "quality of life" speech?
Miss Swearingen : Mrs. Fitzgerald, you might want to consider taking Kate home.
Mother : No.
Miss Swearingen : Making her comfortable...
                   ...managing her pain.
Mother : No hospices.
         What? You think we should take Kate home to die?
Doctor : What do you want me to say, Sara? It's an option.
         Look, I know you don't listen to anybody, but it's our job to tell you.
Miss Swearingen : Death is a normal process of life. You need to acknowledge that.
Mother : No, I don't. Who is this broad?
Miss Swearingen : Have you spoken to Kate?
                   You know what she wants?
Mother : I don't care what anybody wants.
         We're doing the operation.
Doctor : What operation, Sara?
         You have an unwilling donor.
         The hospital won't even allow it anymore without a court order.
         You think we don't know what's going on here?
Miss Swearingen : Your daughter is dying, and you might want to spend...
                   ...some quality time with her.
Mother : Look it, sister...

Kelly : I did it.
      They look wonderful. Don't touch them.
      I gotta go. Going to work.
Kate : Bye.
Kelly : Bye. I'll be back.

Kate : Hey, Mom?
      Do you know that Minnesota is known as The Land of Ten Thousand Lakes?
      Well, Montana's got, like, a million times that.

Mother : No, I didn't know that.
Kate : Hi.
Taylor : Hello.
Kate : What are you here for?
Taylor : The free cocktails.
Kate : Right. Happy hour.
Taylor : I'm Taylor. AML.
Kate : Kate. APL.
Taylor : A rarity.
Kate : Yeah, right?
Taylor : You're in remission?
Kate:  Today, anyway. Chemo?
Taylor : Yeah.
        So, what do you do when you're not here at the hospital?
Kate : Nothing.
      Just wait for something that makes me come back.
Taylor : Well, then maybe we could hang together sometime?
Kate : Yeah.
Taylor : Okay.
        Can I get your phone number?
Kate : Okay. (Say nothing) but actually ask her mother to take a pen in bag
Taylor : Thanks.
Kate : Thanks, Mom.
Taylor : I'm Taylor, by the way.
Mother : Sara Fitzgerald. Nice to meet you.
Nurse : Okay, Taylor. You're out of here.
Kate : 555...0173.
Taylor : Well, I gotta go.
        I'll call you, Kate.
Kate : So, what do you think?
Nurse : Girl, that boy is fine.
Kate : I know, right? So do you think he'll call?
Mother : I don't know, baby, I... (phone is ringing)
Kate : Hello?
      Okay, I just wanted to make sure you didn't give me a bogus number.

The radiation, which ultimately put Kate into remission...
... worked its magic by wearing her down.
Taylor Ambrose, a drug of an entirely different sort...
... worked his magic by building her up.

Mother : I don't think that we can actually make it tomorrow... do you mind picking her up?
Kelly : I can totally pick her up.
Kate : (phone ringing) Hi. How are you? No, just eating dinner. You?
Kelly : Who was that?      
Anna : Oh, that's her new boyfriend, Taylor.
Kelly : What? She has a boyfriend?
Anna : They go to Borders together and read books. And it's really dorky.
        Do you wanna see a picture?
Kelly : Yes.
Anna : Hand me the bag, please.
Mother : The chicken. Watch the chicken, please.
Mother : He's actually a really good kid. I like him.
Anna : Thank you.
Kelly : Oh, wow.
      He's, like, really good.
Mother : Cute, right?
Kelly : Yeah.
       Hey! You did good, Katie!

Father : What's the matter?
Mother : Nothing. She's home.
Kate : I can taste your Cytoxan.
Taylor : I'm sorry.
Kate : No, it's okay. I kind of like it.
      Besides...they told me yesterday I'm relapsing.
      I start chemo next week.  Maybe it'll save me a dose.
Taylor : I had a really good time.
Kate : Me too.

Kate : Are you awake?
Anna : I am now.
       So how was it? Was it great?
Kate : We kissed.
Anna : You kissed?
       What was it like? Was it sexy? Was it gross?
       Was there a lot of tongue?
Kate ; No. It was nice.
Anna : How did you know what to do?
Kate : I don't know. I just did.
      He has scars on his hands...from graft-versus-host.
      I could feel them when we were holding hands.
Anna : Was that weird?
Kate : It was kind of like we matched.

Taylor : Hello.
Kate : Hi.
Mother : Hey.
Taylor : How far into it are you?
Kate : Just started.
Taylor : A hundred bucks says you won't make it till 3 without tossing your cookies.
Kate : You're disgusting.
      Such a slacker. Don't you have anywhere to be?
Taylor : No, nowhere. And what are you doing?
        You're trying to weasel your way out of the bet?
Kate : I'm trying to spare you. Although...
Taylor : Okay. Okay.
Kate : Sorry.
Taylor : What are you talking about? Tomorrow it could be me. Here.
Kate : No.
Taylor : Trust me, you need it.
        Trust me.
        Fun date, huh?
Kate : Hm.
Taylor : So you had French fries for lunch, huh?
Kate : You're disgusting.
Taylor : And you lost the bet, pay up.
Kate : I don't have any money. I'll pay you in sexual favors.
Taylor : That's... That's just great.
        Why don't we ask your mom about that?
Mother : Keep it up and your next date will be during a bone-marrow aspiration.
Kate : Just joking.
Mother : Yeah, I hope so.
Kate : I hate you. I really hate you.
Taylor : Hey... the throws this dance for sick kids.
        It's really dorky. It's done like a regular prom.
        With a band and tuxes and punch spiked with platelets...
        ...and last year I went stag and it was really dumb.
        But I was thinking..
        ...well, you're a patient and I'm a patient, and maybe we could...
        We could go together.

Mother : It's a little low, don't you think?
Anna : You look like a banana.
Seller : I think it's very nice. Very modest.
        And it does cover up a lot of cleavage.
Kate : Really? Will it cover this?
Seller : Oh.
Mother : Kate.
Kate : Let's go.
Mother : You're angry. Doesn't mean you have to take it out on the world.
Kate : She's a bitch. Did you see her looking at my scarf?
Mother : Maybe she liked the pattern.
Kate : Really?

Mother : Yeah.
Kelly : That dress sucked anyway.
Kate : It was awful.
      You know what? I'm not going. I'm never gonna find a stupid dress anyway.
Mother : Don't you think that every girl going feels the same way?
Kate : I don't care about any other girl.
      I just wanted to look good, really good, for one night.

Mother : Are you ready?
Anna : Okay, ready!
Mother : Come here. Hurry, quick.
Kelly : She's coming down.
       Oh, my God.
Mother :  There she is! Oh, my God.
          That is just so beautiful. Look how beautiful. Doesn't she look beautiful?
Kelly : Wait, stay right there. Don't come down.
Mother : Honey, you look so beautiful.
Kelly : No, she looks pretty.
Mother : Okay, wait, wait, wait, stop. Can you just come down?
         I wanna see your guys'... Wait. Kate, go back up the stairs for a second.
         I wanna see you coming down with your hands.
         Can you look this way, Taylor?
         Excellent. Wait, hold on, hold on, here we go.
Kelly : Wait, I wanna get a Polaroid too. Hold on. Kate? Can I see your face?
       Oh, excellent.
       Okay, right there.
Mother : If you guys wanna stand right there. There we go.
         Ready? Okay, yes, stand right there.
Anna : I didn't get enough pictures.
        One more, okay?
Mother : You're kind of blocking it, sweetheart.
         Can you just step...?
Kelly : I got it.
Mother : Kelly, you're in the picture.
Kate : Mom.
Kelly : I can't see them.
Mother : Listen, you guys stand like you're at prom.
         You know...
         Yeah, let me see that corsage.
         Sweetie, but can I just see...?
         Say cheese!
         There we go. Excellent.
Kelly : Hi. Hi.
       Hi. Oh, sweet!
       That's so...
Kate : Stop.
Mother : Yeah, looks good. I like it.
Kate : Mom. Mom, please. It's enough, okay?
Mother  I need to document this moment, okay?
Kelly : No, wait.
      Just in front. There you...
      Oh, my God, that's so cute.
Mother : All right. Kate, Kate.
Kelly : Oh, my God.
       Okay, let me just get a Polaroid of it too. Wait, you got some. Sweetheart.
Mother : Hey, hold on.
Anna :  Oh, honey.
Kate : Do I look pretty, Daddy?
Taylor : You ready?
Father : Have some fun.
Kate : I love you, Daddy.
Mother : Honey, turn around. Can I see...?
         Right there.
Anna : Taylor, Taylor.


Taylor : Do you wanna get out of here?
Kate : Yeah. Where?
Taylor : I know a place.
Kate : Oh, my God! Oh, my God, I'm gonna fall!
      I'm gonna fall.

Kate : You ever think about dying?
Taylor : Not really.
Kate : You're not scared?
Taylor : No.
        If I didn't have cancer, I never would have found you.
        So yeah, I'm glad I'm sick.
Kate : Me too.
Taylor : You okay?
Kate : Yeah.

Kate : It's been three days, Mom.
      He won't return my calls. I leave messages and he won't call me.
Mother : Did you guys get into a fight after the prom?
Kate : No.
Mother : Well, maybe he's busy, you know? Maybe he went out of town...
         ...for an emergency? Maybe it has nothing to do with you.
Kate : We did it, okay?
      We did it and now he won't call me back.
Mother : You did it?
Kate : That's right.
Mother : What do you mean, "did it"? You did "it" it?
Kate : No, but we did some stuff, okay?
Mother : "Stuff"? What kind of stuff?
Kate : Mom, I don't wanna talk about it with you.
      I just told you because I'm mad.
Mother : Alice.
Nurse : Yeah, Sara?
Mother : Taylor, have you seen him?
Nurse : I was sure somebody had told you.

Jesse : Stop the bus!
       Stop the bus! Stop!
       Tell him to stop that bus! Hey, stop the bus, dude!
       Come on!
       Goddamn it!

When I got home...
... I wondered how much trouble I'd be in.

Father : Buddy? What are you doing up?
         Can't sleep?
Jesse : I just... I can't sleep.
Father : Look, I'm gonna go to the hospital, spend the night with your sister. You wanna come?
Jesse : All right.
Father : Yeah?
Jesse : Yeah. Sure, let me just...
Father : I'm gonna get a coffee, get yourself ready.
         Hey, bud.
         Is Everything okay?
Jesse : Yeah.

Mother : What?
Kelly : Can I ask you something?
Mother : Sure.
Kelly : You really think you're gonna win?
      You really expect the judge to take Anna's kidney against her will?
Mother : Well, there's precedent.
         There's Hart v. Brown, Masden v. Harrison...
         ... Strunk v. Strunk.
Kelly : I know.
Mother : Besides, the court should just mind their own business.
         Why? What's your point?
Kelly : Don't start that shit.
Mother :  What?
Kelly : I'm your sister.
Mother : What shit?
Kelly : I'm behind you, no matter what. I'll do whatever, and I do.
       I'm just not sure you're seeing the big picture.
Mother : What big picture, Kel? Spit it out.
Kely : I know it's important for you to feel like you never gave up.
      I mean, who are you if you're not this crazy bitch mother fighting for her kid's life, right?
      But there's, like, a whole world out there. You don't see any of it, nothing.
      Sooner or later, you...
      You gotta stop.
      You gotta let go.
Mother : I can't.

Father : How's she doing?
Nurse : She's exhausted. Dialysis really wiped her out.
Kate : I wanna go to the beach.
Father : What did you say, baby?
Nurse : She wants to go to the beach.
        It's the damnedest thing. She's been talking about it all day.

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